
Showing posts from 2019

Barcelona Travel Diary

In my last blog I said that another travel diary would be featuring soon, and here it is! In the first week of September two of my uni friends and I decided to go on a city break to Barcelona for five days. Although it was a girls holiday, it wasn't one of those holidays, as we did do a lot of sightseeing during the day. If I could name this trip, I think all of us girls would call it 'Barcelona on a budget', as we did make the most of the culture whilst not spending loads of those euros. Monday 2nd September: On the Monday I met one of my gal pals (Ellen) that was embarking on our Barcelona adventures at Farringdon station, where we got a Thames Link to Luton airport. There we met gal pal number two  (Laura) and after a confused wander (oh how British we learnt this term was) around Luton airport we made it to security. After losing my shoes to airport security, and walking through the metal detector like a Victorian orphan looking for bread, I soon regained my s...

Miami Travel Diary

Hey loves, As the leaves start to redden and brown, it is finally approaching my favourite time of year that is autumn. This got me reminiscing over summer, and the next two blogs will focus on my summer travels. My family and I had the pleasure of going away for two weeks to the US, with a stop at Orlando for a couple of days combined with Miami Beach, so I thought I would share my experience.  A street in Miami Sunday 28th July: After fighting off the jetlag and humid Miami heat we stopped off at what would soon become our favourite lunch spot: Shepherd cafĂ©. The staff were so friendly, and there was such a vast amount of healthy salads, sandwiches, cakes and shake options to cater for everyone. One day my sister and I asked for some help with making something on the menu vegan; they kindly made us a completely fresh vegan salad that was delicious. The rest of the day we were pretty chilled out, but the evening highlight was the restaurant Essensia. They cooked us ...

An awareness for anorexia

Hi my loves, As some of you may be aware the 25th February- 3rd March 2019 is Eating Disorder Awareness Week , and as a topic that is very close to home I wanted to raise awareness for it. Shockingly, there is that saying that 1 in 5 people will die from anorexia every year. What I will say is not expert advice, I am not trained in the field, rather I just want to offer help from a personal rather than professional perspective, in an attempt to help change that awful statistic. There are lots of memoirs about anorexia from the first-hand sufferers, or from the parents point of view, but there is never much of a say about it from the siblings point of view, which is why I am writing this. People have a lot of assumptions about anorexia nevosa, which is often due to false miseducation. I too used to be blissfully ignorant about the illness, thinking it was merely a disorder where skeletal girls starved themselves, but from experiencing it as a witness to my sister I could not hav...

Sustainability Tips and Tricks

Hey loves, As we have successfully completed January, if any of you have some new year resolutions and have kept them up during arguably the bleakest time of the year, then I congratulate you. Bearing that in mind, one of my resolutions was to be more sustainable with fashion; this has somehow ended up becoming a resolution that I've applied to more of my daily routine than merely clothing!  As a society that is becoming more knowledgeable to the affects that things such as plastic consumption are having on the environment, I feel like we're in a boat where some of us know what to do to help combat this, yet some of us are still ignorant to what needs to be done. It is not a criticism, I was really in the same boat as the latter; it wasn't until I started to educate myself on the topic that I really started to take an interest. Also as a Bath citizen (who have just been bombarded with snow, giving almost a subtle hint about global warming!) that focusses heavily on r...

Books 2018

Hey my lovelies, One of my favourite things to do in my free time is read. Normally, during term time I'm reading up for a play- doing it for the purpose of my character or my degree, so when I've got some free time it can be nice to actually pick a book for my own entertainment. As a society I would argue that we don't necessarily read as much as, say my parents' generation, and sometimes when schools force people to read it can take away the thrill of picking up a new, fresh book (side note: the fresh-book-smell is another perk) and getting lost in another world. That being said I have been brought up to read from a mum who has a collection of books the size of the Beast's library in Beauty and the Beast ! Consequently, I've always loved reading, because I've been lucky enough to have a good choice to browse through, alongside my mum and sister's recommendations. Therefore, I thought I'd share what I'd been reading over 2018, as we are now ...