Three Weeks Thyroid Free
Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful summer, even if it is still in a pandemic. Firstly, I wanted to say I cannot even begin to thank everyone who has messaged me since my last blog post. I have been so overwhelmed with support, and I am so grateful for all of your kind words. As I am writing this three weeks after my operation, I thought I would give you an update on what has happened and what is in store for the future. Since my previous blog, I have pretty much spent my life at hospital for blood tests, pre-op assessments and Covid-19 tests. I was told to isolate for fourteen days before my surgery on the 21 st July. On the actual day, I had to be in for 7am. I was quite relieved it was so early as my FitBit sleep stat said I had an incredible three hours twenty five minute sleep that night. Once I arrived I was told to say goodbye to my mum and my sister (which was painful), and I had my temperature taken. I then got taken to a ward for day-patients and ...