A Fresher's Refresher
Hi all, It's been SO long since I last posted, believe me I have been meaning to, I have just been through the first year of university and so busy, that I didn't want to post anything that wasn't meaningful. However, as September rolls back around, and the 'BACK TO SCHOOL' banners spread through supermarkets and shops like butter melting in a pan, it takes me back to how I felt about this time last year as I began the start of my university journey as a fresher, looking at those signs with a sort of smugness that I was finally undergoing a change in my education. I experienced a real sense of emotions that made me feel like a metaphorical jar of mixed herbs. Although I had undertaken my auditions successfully and secured my places (my firm was Bath Spa to do Acting-with my insurance to do English and Drama at UEA) as I was still awaiting my A level results, there was still that odd void of uncertainty as to whether the grades I would achieve would guarant...