A Fresher's Refresher

Hi all,

It's been SO long since I last posted, believe me I have been meaning to, I have just been through the first year of university and so busy, that I didn't want to post anything that wasn't meaningful.

However, as September rolls back around, and the 'BACK TO SCHOOL' banners spread through supermarkets and shops like butter melting in a pan, it takes me back to how I felt about this time last year as I began the start of my university journey as a fresher, looking at those signs with a sort of smugness that I was finally undergoing a change in my education. 

I experienced a real sense of emotions that made me feel like a metaphorical jar of mixed herbs. Although I had undertaken my auditions successfully and secured my places (my firm was Bath Spa to do Acting-with my insurance to do English and Drama at UEA) as I was still awaiting my A level results, there was still that odd void of uncertainty as to whether the grades I would achieve would guarantee my place. Although I knew I had worked hard, there was always that self-doubt as to was it enough? What if there was a rogue marker or I had read and answered the question wrong? That combined with my excitement at the idea of having my own personal space, a new city to live in and also the nervousness of being away from home and the ambiguity of who I was as a person, left me in a very confused bubble. So it was a long but very bittersweet summer, where I was never entirely sure what the future held for me.

Regardless, the idea of Uni homeware shopping was extremely enticing to me. The glamourised 'bedroom tours' on Youtube and the aesthetically pleasing websites such as Urban Outfitters and Zara Home made me extremely desperate to start pounding the floors of Westfield to create my 'world' as an independent student. I took to Google 'tips' and 'advice' for what to take to Uni; whilst some offered similar advice, there were some that I wish I knew.

Therefore, as I am now (scarily) no longer a fresher, by refreshing (aha) my brain I figured I would offer ten tips of wisdom to those who are almost about to begin their own university journey (or are moving into their own space with other people). I've tried to offer some new ideas as well as the classic tips so that if any who have been reading multiple articles can reassure themselves of their current knowledge. Here goes:

1.) Start early and pack gradually.

I know it seems obvious but believe me it is a necessity! John Lewis and lots of companies now offer a 'have you got?' list for uni essentials which help so much (I've included a little one myself at the bottom). Naturally,  the earlier you start, the less stress you will have overall, and will save you from the 'last-minute-panic' shop to find that a load of the stuff you desperately need is out of stock. Also, you will find that naturally you acquire a LOT of stuff, and if you try to pack it all in one day you will probably forget something very important or underestimate the size of the vehicle that you are using to transport everything!

2.) Join Facebook groups!

The idea of joining the 'Icebreaker' groups can seem totally terrifying, but trust me, everyone does it, no one really judges and it will put your brain at ease knowing that you're not going through this process alone. It can also be super beneficial as you can find your flatmates and course mates too! I was lucky and got added to both (just turn your sound notifications off- you'll thank me later) and was able to get to know the people I was living with a bit more, as well as getting an idea of what my social life would begin to look like. As well as this it can help with planning with what to take to uni, after all what's the point of bringing a kettle if the other five housemates are all bringing one too!

3.) Learn the difference between necessity and 'nice' things.

Yes that Next Lampshade might look lush on your desk but as Rebecca Bloomwood from Confessions of a Shopaholic used to say 'do I need this?' That being said, don't compromise completely and only bring one pair of socks! It's all about the balance.

4.) Do your washing!

At the start of the year you'll either be super organised and have the laundry app downloaded, local laundrettes on speed dial and a basket dedicated to different colours, or you'll live in a denial that you even know what a washing machine is. Don't be that second person. You can at a push ask Mum to help on a weekend home, but if you don't do that you'll soon end up lying on your bed contemplating on why you let yourself run out of clean underwear. The same goes for your washing up. Don't be that flatmate that appears to be hiding a body amongst their colossal cornucopia of dirty kitchenware. Also, Fairy liquid is literally fairy dust. Treasure it. Oh, and just accept the fact that no matter how much you try to protect your tea towels, they will be destroyed regardless.

5.) 'Pre' or 'Prinks' essentials

If you have speakers, cards and alcohol you will be loved. Another tip is to have a designated pre-drinks mug/cup/glass hell even a jug, so that when you're travelling from flat to flat or room to room you don't have to constantly ask for a glass. Over time it also gives you a chance to work out how much alcohol to mixer ratio you need to survive pres. If you download the Piccolo app that can help with drinking games, but of course you can never (lol) go wrong with 'Never Have I Ever' or 'Ring of Fire' too.

6.) Hangover essentials

Just as you have prepared for the before, you must prepare for the after! Cold&flu tablets, paracetamol and nurofen will be your lifesavers. Sugary tea, caffeine, lemon&ginger-and-honey tea will also save your throat! Accept this new lower standard of health! This is also a time to take advantage of your Netflix and Amazon Prime subscriptions when you're feeling particularly fragile!

7.) Don't bring your whole wardrobe

Although it is tempting to pack your whole life, realistically you probably won't wear that 'hand wash-only-jumpsuit' you've never worn before. As I'm an acting student, we actually have a uniform of all-blacks which is quite handy, but when in doubt it probably means you have enough! Hooks and coat hangers are also good additions to your room for extra space!

8.) Make the most of freebies at the Freshers fair

It is amazing how many deals companies do now, so collect all the coupons, vouchers and subscriptions that you sign yourself up to in the fair; then you can do some research into what deal is the most beneficial to you later.

9.) Don't lock yourself in your room

Unless you are being productive, are genuinely tired or need some alone time, try not to lock yourself in your room too much. If you are feeling down, often even by keeping the door open might just help as it means you will be more approachable and by interacting with your other flatmates might just cheer you up or make you feel less alone.

10.) Honesty

I know it sounds clichéd but honesty really is the best policy, and this applies to other people as well as yourself. If you're finding it all a bit too much, don't be afraid to admit it- sometimes a weekend home or a chat with someone can really help. Equally, if a flatmates habits are causing tension or you're struggling with a course mate (or your course) being honest early can often solve so many of your problems; lets keep a 'messy night' down to drunken antics on the dance floor and not due a drunken brawl in your flat at 4am. University can be hard at times, make it easier for yourself and listen, whatever the situation!

I hope this has given you a little insight to the world of First year. Embrace and enjoy as much of being a fresher as you can; it is crazy how fast the year goes! As promised, I have made a list of things to take below:


  • Documents/ ID/ Money etc.
  • Duvet and Duvet cover
  • Sheet
  • Pillow and pillow case
  • Laptop/ phone/ Ipod/ Camera
  • HEADPHONES (halls is not a place for those who want an early night)
  • Chargers
  • Hair dryer
  • Stationary
  • Notepads and diaries (I had a big calendar on my desk which helped with organising)
  • Something heavy to keep your door open!
  • Clothes horse
  • Clothes:
    • JEANS 
    • DRESSING GOWN (literally your uni outfit staple)
    • PJS
    • Underwear
    • Socks
    • Going out tops (and the 'nice-top-with-jeans' kinda tops too)
    • Going out skirts
    • one or two 'nice' dresses (it will be mostly casual when you're out-out)
    • Tracksuit/ hoodies and leggings
    • Jumpers 
    • A few casual tops (although most likely you'll probably wear the same two all the time)
    • Onesie
    • Fancy dress (always helps for random fresher events)
    • Converse-type shoes/ trainers/ shoe boots
    • One big winter coat
    • A going out coat if you're weak like me 
  • Bags
  • Makeup and jewellery 
  • Body wash, facial wash, shampoo, conditioner, moisturiser etc.
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste 
  • Soap
  • Toilet cleaner/ multi-surface cleaner (this stuff is amazing)
  • Towels 
  • Toilet roll and tissues
  • Mug/ cup
  • Plates and bowls
  • Saucepan and frying pan/ wok 
  • Cutlery/ wooden spoons
  • Chopping knives and board
  • Bin bags/ cling film/ tin foil
  • Baking tray
  • Tupperware
  • Tin/ bottle opener

Optional extras to make your uni experience more luxurious (of course if they allow it in halls):

  • Cushions
  • Throw/Blanket
  • Mattress Protector
  • Rug
  • Hair styling equipment
  • Posters/Photos
  • Mirror
  • Speakers
  • Candles
  • Desk plant
  • Fairy Lights
  • Lamp
  • Printer (don't forget paper and cartages)
  • Bowls to put bits-and-bobs in on your desk
  • Kettle
  • Tea-pot
  • Nutri-bullet/ Smoothie blender
  • Kitchen Scales and measuring jugs
  • Water filter (if you're fussy about tap water)
  • Toastie-maker
  • Wine/Champagne glass or flutes (I recommend plastic ones!)
  • TV
  • Books and films
  • Bin
  • Pop-up/ makeup storage
  • Laundry basket
  • Clothes/Shoe rack
  • Washing-up bowl

Good luck to those starting their university journey!

All my love




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