An introduction

I offer a warm welcome to anyone who has dropped by on my page, whether it be out of interest or by chance. I have been contemplating starting a blog for a long time, but now after finally overcoming my painful indecisiveness (believe me "I don't know" must be one of the most common phrases of mine) have decided now is the right time. I have always been into English and writing as I do believe it is essential in everyday life; the power of communicating via language is so important to me and after reading many other blogs I knew I wanted my own. However as I titled this "An introduction" I think I should give you one. 

Firstly, I am obsessed (and I mean obsessed) with all things theatre or just generally art related. Going to shows, performing in shows or even just reading reviews about shows makes me unbelievably excited to the point that I end up babbling to my cat as my other family members have given up with my desire to break down and evaluate every single part of a show. I have always found theatre and performing fascinating; the idea of letting yourself go on stage to become another character and to convey a message to an audience is such an amazing experience- and I really hope to go into the industry to be able to do these things. With this in mind it would not be surprising that I also love the cinema and my overwhelming sense of interest to then YouTube interviews with the cast from the latest film I watched to then bang out completely useless facts to my family at the dinner table (they're probably wishing I had this enthusiasm for my work sometimes) but I just can't help myself and that was also one of my reasons for starting a blog. 

As well as sharing a blog for my interests I also wanted to use this blog for difficult topics resonant to me. I think it's fair to say there have been some difficult obstacles in my life so far which are a daily challenge, but it can be so excruciating to explain to people who are not educated about it. For example, my sister is an anorexic sufferer and the amount of ignorant comments that can build up is shocking, and I am not angry at the people for asking about it but I am annoyed at the lack of education to conditions such as this, and I hope to bring an education via my blog. In relation to mental illness, I have been suffering with anxiety since I was ten years old, and I do think it can be underestimated just how difficult it can be. I also have scoliosis and have been treated with two titanium rods in my back. Although I had the surgery five years ago there will always be a legacy of the experience and the pain that sometimes affects me. 

However I promise my life isn't all rainy days, I just wanted to openly share who I am. Now I have finally set this up I can't wait to share my interests on here, and I thank you for taking the time to read this. 

Odette ❤️


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